Steuben Press Blog

Self-Publishing Industry Tips & Trends

Got a Bad Review on Your Book? Here’s What to Do Next

As a self-published author, getting bad reviews on your book is a huge bummer.

It’s never easy to see a glaring 1-star review attached to your beloved book. You put in all that hard work, only to be dragged by a critic.

Here Are the Best Book Awards for Self-Published Authors in 2021

It can be tough to stand out as a writer in a sea of indie authors. Just about anyone can put out a book these days.

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Digital Marketing Strategies for Authors

Why Authors Should Use Clubhouse to Sell More Books

There are social media platforms out there to help authors market their self-published books. Facebook, Instagram, and even the newest TikTok craze can help you promote your book online to a wide range of potential readers and fans.

Every Self-Published Author Needs a Facebook Fan Page: Here's Why

You’ve written your book. You’ve self-published it. And now you’re ready to put yourself out there to find some readers.

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Traditional Book Marketing Strategies

The Best Way to Get a Speaking Gig as an Author

From making important contacts to higher brand visibility and beyond, you’ll be surprised at the opportunities you can cultivate from guest speaking gigs.

What Are ARCs And Are They Worth It?

When you send ARCs to the right people, your book can gain recognition and attention that can help boost your self-published book sales down the road.

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Book Design

How to Decide if Spiral Binding is Right for Your Book

So you’ve written a book and are convinced you’ve explored every detail…you’ve edited and re-edited, made sure you had an eye-catching cover, and formatted your eBook to be device friendly.

6 Best Free Photoshop Alternatives For Authorpreneurs

A list of our favorite and totally free Photoshop alternatives that self-publish authors can use to knock out their graphic design needs on their own.

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Editing & Proofreading

How to Find the Perfect Editor for Your Next Book

Maybe you’re in the market for an in-depth content editor to help you figure out character, plot, themes, or the overall structure of your book.

Everything You Need to Know About Hiring an Editor on Reedsy

Contrary to the myths, self-published authors can’t bring a book into the world alone.

Ever read the acknowledgement section of a book? You’ll probably notice a long list of editors, agents, and designers who made publishing that book possible.

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Author Features

Author Highlight: Real Estate Mogul & Team Leader Sean Moudry

Here at Steuben Press, we’re all about sharing the wealth of knowledge that self-published authors can offer both readers and other aspiring writers. This is especially true for business books, as it's the author's goal to support the success of their reader.

Author Highlight: Urban Fantasy Author Veronica R. Calisto

Calisto discusses how indie publishing gave her the freedom to explore out-of-the-box ideas, her greatest publishing and printing challenges, and her advice for aspiring authors.

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Writing Inspiration & Prompts

4 Reasons Books Are Important During Hard Times

The increase in book sales around the world begs a simple question: what makes us turn to books during uncertain times? Find out here.

5 Self-Published Books You’ll Love Reading to Your Children

If you’re a parent, times have probably changed a lot since you were a kid.

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Flight cover

After a disappointing proof of my labor-intensive and much loved manuscript from another printer, I decided to try Steuben Press. Based on recommendations from many of my publishing team who are all members of the Colorado Independent Publishers Association (CIPA), I submitted my book to Adam and his staff.

Their proof was perfect! The illustrations were crisp, the print clear, and the construction high quality. But the cover! Absolutely beautiful and softly glossed, Steuben's production added depth to the colors and popped the fine design by my cover artist. My book shimmers on the shelf!

Now I sell only Steuben's copies by hand and feel confident that my readers are receiving the best product reflecting my years of effort and passion for my subject.

– Sunny Weber, Denver, CO