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4 Reasons Books Are Important During Hard Times

The increase in book sales around the world begs a simple question: what makes us turn to books during uncertain times? Find out here.

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5 Self-Published Books You’ll Love Reading to Your Children

If you’re a parent, times have probably changed a lot since you were a kid.

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Year-Round Bone-Chillers: Self-Published Horror Authors to Read This Year

True horror fans know that the stories that give you goosebumps are a thrill year-round, not just on Halloween. There’s nothing like a bone-chilling suspense novel to keep you turning the pages. 

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Fresh Air and Fresh Ideas: Why Every Writer Should Go on a Writing Retreat

Picture the scene: Dipping your toes in a babbling creek, taking a deep breath of the fresh air, and placing pen to paper with newfound inspiration. 

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3 Surprising Ways Reading Can Improve Your Writing

As a self-published writer, you’ve probably tried out plenty of tricks to help improve your writing…a writing prompt every day, writer’s block exercises, or even working with a skilled editor to help sharpen your work. 

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Bust Through Writer’s Block with These Effective Exercises

The myth of “writer’s block” can be a dangerous one for self-published writers. Just using the term as a self-diagnosis for your creative block can make the challenge seem insurmountable

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5 Writing Warmups to Bust Through Your Writer’s Block

Writer’s block: the sworn enemy of every author.

Much like the guy who crashed on your couch in college, it moves in at the worst time possible, makes itself comfortable, and seems intent on staying indefinitely.

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3 Writers Share How to Stay Inspired

From jotting down all your ideas to researching to networking, there are things you can do today to help keep your creative juices flowing and your project moving forward.

Here are 3 insights from successful writers about maintaining your inspiration as a self-published writer.

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6 Things to Do Before Your First Writer’s Conference

As a self-published author, your first writer’s conference is a chance to connect with other writers, impress literary agents, and build buzz about your own writing projects.

But without the right preparation and focus, you could miss out on career-changing opportunities.

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Places to write outside of your office

How to Take Your Writing to a Whole New Place — Literally

In the case of at-home writer’s block, a change of scenery could be all you need to get your creativity flowing again. We’ve got some ideas for places you can explore to get away from your desk and get the words flowing again.

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Levenstein cover

Roger and Adam are great to work with!! Roger did an excellent job turning my stories into a real book. I'm glad that I found them and gladly recommend them!

– Seth Levenstein, Vero Beach, FL

To learn more about Seth's book visit