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Got a Bad Review on Your Book? Here’s What to Do Next

As a self-published author, getting bad reviews on your book is a huge bummer.

It’s never easy to see a glaring 1-star review attached to your beloved book. You put in all that hard work, only to be dragged by a critic.

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Here Are the Best Book Awards for Self-Published Authors in 2021

It can be tough to stand out as a writer in a sea of indie authors. Just about anyone can put out a book these days.

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How to Profit from Self-Publishing with the Steuben Press Academy

Save money and take control as a self-published author with the new Steuben Press Academy.

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The 4 Pillars of the Perfect Press Release for Authors

Get more press for your next book with our self-published author’s guide to the four pillars of the perfect press release. 

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5 Powerful Reasons You Should Write a Business Book Now

As a business owner, chances are your schedule is so full that writing a book is on your 5- to 10-year plan, at best. 

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3 Exciting Skills You Gain When Writing a Business Book

Self-publishing a business book is no small feat.

The writing process alone requires time, vulnerability in sharing your mistakes and successes, and a solid takeaway plan for your readers. Toss in the self-publishing process, and chances are you’ll be learning a new form of entrepreneurship entirely. 

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The Top 2020 Self-Publishing Trends You Should Know

The new decade has arrived, and with it comes new self-publishing trends. 

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9 Reasons Publishers Reject Books (And What You Can Do About It)

As a self-published author, it’s likely that you’ve faced rejection from prospective publishers before. It’s just part of the business.

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The Perks and Risks of Hybrid Publishing

There are so many choices that come with being an author, with one of the most important being which route you’ll take in publishing.

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How to Pick the Right Genre for Your Self-Published Novel

As a self-published author, you’ve got to do everything you can to give your book an advantage in the market. Whether your goals are to stay on the self-published path or to get attention from a literary agent, you want to sell as many copies of your book as possible. 

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Adam Ellis and his staff are amazing. I had complete cooperation and help throughout the process. I can't say enough. If anyone needs a reference, I am here. They did everything to help me finish my mother in law's story of her life efficiently and quickly. Thanks Adam!

– Mary Ralian, Pewaukee, WI

Mary Ralian's book is titled Anna's Story.