The Average Self-Published Author Loses $1375 Every Time They Publish

Get 1 on 1 Guidance From An Expert

Schedule your consultation today

Being a self-published author takes a lot of grit.

You’ve already done the heavy lifting by getting the thing written. But when it comes to self-publishing your book, without the right guidance, it is incredibly easy to waste time and crazy amounts of money trying to get over the finish line. The misinformation online is staggering, and you need a professional in your corner to show you the way.

Our professional consultation services are geared to help you understand all the options available for publishing your book. There is no one-size-fits-all method, and we’ll guide you through the process to find the perfect options to meet your goals. No waste. No fluff. Just a rock solid action plan to get you published.

Set yourself up for success, and publish your first book like a pro.

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Who You’ll Work With

Adam Ellis is the President & CEO of Steuben Press. He has worked in the publishing industry for nearly 20 years as a designer, editor, marketer, consultant, and business owner.

After spending years contracting with other firms, he founded Steuben Press in 2014 to fill a void in the local publishing industry: a high-quality book printer that focuses on education and customer service for self-publishing authors.

As a self-publishing consultant, Adam works with new authors looking to find success with their first book by providing one-on-one consultation services to guide your book from its manuscript stage to marketing and beyond.

What You’ll Get

  1. One-on-one self-publishing coaching to identify your goals as an author and your individual goals for your book project.
  2. Education about the pros and cons of publishing your book traditionally or self-publishing, and how these routes fit in with your goals for your book.
  3. A detailed framework to take your book from the manuscript stage to a published book that’s ready for the market.
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How it Works

When you schedule a consulting session with our pros, we’ll take you through a 3-step process to identify your goals as an author, direct you toward the publishing path that fits your goals, and provide you with the resources and education you need to reach those goals.

1. Author Intake and Evaluation

  • First, you’ll fill out a questionnaire about yourself, your writing and publishing background, and your goals for your current book project.
  • Adam will review any files that you think will help him better understand your project – this can include manuscript synopsis, PDF files, marketing materials, notes, social media accounts, etc.

Please note: This is not a manuscript review. Adam won’t be reading your full book, but rather familiarizing himself with your project and background to better understand your specific goals.

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2. 30 Minute Video Conference Call

  • You’ll schedule a 30-minute Zoom conference call or phone consultation with Adam to discuss your specific goals for your book project.
  • Adam will help you understand the pros and cons of each publishing path that your book can take, and will set you on the right course with experienced recommendations and best practices.

Please note: Adam doesn’t provide referrals to agents or publishers. He provides the education and compass you need to make the right publishing choices for your book.

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3. Two Weeks of Email Follow Ups

  • After your initial consultation, you’ll have a whole lot of plans and ideas for your book. Adam will be available to you by email for two weeks after the initial consultation call to email him with questions, concerns, or even just a quick check-in for encouragement!
  • During this two-week period, Adam will also be sending you any resources you discussed during the consultation to support your ongoing journey.
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Ready to get started?

Schedule your consultation today

If you are in need of Steuben Press book printing services, we encourage you to contact us at 303-482-2060 or email for more details.