Save Money and Time with Self-Publishing Consultation Services

Our virtual consultation services provide personalized and professional guidance to help you feel comfortable with the self-publishing process.

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With strict safety regulations put in place around the country to help stop the spread of COVID-19, most of us are spending a lot of time at home right now.

As a writer, you might be spending your solitary weekends (or relatively solitary) turning toward your book project. But for one reason or another, maybe you just haven't made the plunge into self-publishing. 

While book stores might be on hold, eBooks continue to grow in popularity. What better time than now than to make the best of the situation and tackle the endeavors you’ve been dreaming up?

Self-publishing your first book can be intimidating. But that’s why we’re here to help guide you every step of the way, all from the convenience of your own home!

Why Do You Need a Publishing Consultant?

The average self-published author loses over $1000 every time they publish a book. That’s largely due to the fact many self-publishing services can claim to be more necessary than they really are and overcharge.

It’s easy to spend a bunch of money on services that appear to be useful. But in reality, you might not need them all for your personal goals and model. 

Self-publishing is a very personal process based on factors like your skill level, audiences, and vision. There is no one-size-fits-all method for publishing. 

Not only do newly self-published authors tend to lose money without proper guidance, but they can waste plenty of time, too!

Hiring a publishing consultant can save you hours of Googling tips and tricks of the trade, and save you the headache of trying to figure out if the sources you’re getting your information from are even legitimate. 

Printing and Design Processes Revealed

There’s a lot more that goes into publishing than just writing a book and sending it off. As an authorpreneur, you’ll need to get to know other aspects of the process, everything from printing to cover design.

Our consultations cover all the bases. 


Familiarizing yourself with the printing process ahead of time will help save you a lot of frustration and money dealing with technical errors.

We’ll teach you all about the printing process and offer steps on how to make it more efficient. We’ll also share methods to format your book so the margins fit properly.


A quality book binding makes a difference not only in the aesthetics of your book, but in its integrity and durability as well. After all, no one wants a book that falls apart in the mail or shortly after being cracked open. 

We’ll discuss what you’ll need to do to make sure your book has a sturdy and attractive binding.

Cover Design

Believe it or not, people do judge a book by its cover. Luckily for you, we have tons of experience in creating unique and attractive book covers that convey the mood of your book. 

How Our 3-Step Publishing Consultation Services Works

The Steuben Press virtual consultation services are specially designed to provide you personalized and professional guidance to help you feel comfortable with the self-publishing process, and confident in the outcome.

Every consultation includes:

  • One-on-one guidance from our CEO Adam Ellis, who has over 20 years of experience in every aspect of the publishing industry including editing, design, marketing, consultation and business.
  • Education on every aspect of self-publishing so you can confidently determine if it’s the best route for you. 
  • A personalized and detailed framework to help you complete the self-publishing process and get your work up for sale. 

Step 1 – Initial Consultation

We’ll start the process with your intake, where we’ll first discuss your personal vision for your book. 

You’ll fill out a questionnaire that covers everything we need to know to get you started off on the right foot, including your writing and publishing experience and goals. 

During this initial step, we’ll also review any files you’d like to share to help us get a better idea of your creative vision. 

You can share anything from a manuscript to PDF samples, or give us a better perspective of your brand and marketing by letting us take a peek at your website and social media accounts.

Once everything is reviewed and we have a better idea of your author brand, writing style and goals, we can move on to Step 2: a video call.

Step 2 – 30-Minute Zoom Call

During our 30-minute Zoom call we’ll review your questionnaire, writing documents, and a bit more about your goals. 

From there, your consultant will educate you a bit more about the different publishing directions you can take your book. Once you decide on the best publishing route to take, we’ll teach you the best practices and help develop an action plan. 

Your action plan will be unique to your needs, and will include a detailed step-by-step process to guide you toward publishing success. And yes, all of this happens within 30 minutes! Told you we weren’t out to waste any time. 

Step 3 – Two Weeks of Ongoing Support

For the 2 weeks following your consultation, we let you run wild with the ideas and plan created for your book. But don’t worry, you’re not completely on your own yet!

We’ll be available during the 2-week period to answer any questions you may have via email. Just like with any publishing journey, there will be questions and bumps in the road. 

Whether you have questions on marketing, how to approach literary agents, or you just need a quick check in to make sure you’re on the right track we’ll be available to help you out. 

That’s it! Just 3 easy steps that can save you time, money, and help you become confident in your ability to self-publish. 

Once we’ve determined your assets, goals, and direction you’ll be amazed at the motivation you gain. 

The new skills you gain in every facet of publishing, including marketing, distribution and more will be valuable ones you can use for the rest of your journey as an author. 

So gather your documents, envision where you’d like your career to go, and get ready to take action with the guidance of an industry professional. 

Contact us to get started with your personal consultation today! »

Adam user

President & CEO,
Steuben Press

Adam Ellis has worked in the book industry since 2002, when he was first exposed to the wonderful world of Self Publishing. Over the years he has worked with thousands of authors and helped to produce, print and publish countless books.


When I was looking for a printer for my first book I put the project on a nationwide search site. The very first applicant was Steuben Press. Their estimate remained competitive as more than thirty others flooded in. Since then, through two more books and multiple printings, Steuben Press has proved themselves efficient, timely, responsive, and when I call, it's like in "Cheers," a place they know your name. I recommend them without reservation.

– John McReynolds, California

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