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Why Authors Should Use Clubhouse to Sell More Books

There are social media platforms out there to help authors market their self-published books. Facebook, Instagram, and even the newest TikTok craze can help you promote your book online to a wide range of potential readers and fans.

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Every Self-Published Author Needs a Facebook Fan Page: Here's Why

You’ve written your book. You’ve self-published it. And now you’re ready to put yourself out there to find some readers.

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How to Make Facebook Ads to Promote Your Self-Published Book

Luckily, you’ve done most of the hard writing work already. The next step for you will be marketing your book so that it can gain traction and be seen by as many people as possible.

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5 of the Best Alternatives to Amazon for Selling Your Books

Here are 5 indie platforms where you can sell your book so you can support not only yourself, but other indie authors and indie bookstores, too. 

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How to Sell More Books with Amazon Ads

Amazon is a huge marketplace for self-published authors, but there’s a lot of competition. How to break through the noise? It’s all about the ads.

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The Self-Published Author’s Guide to Pinterest Marketing

Pinterest is a surprisingly handy social media platform for self-published authors. Here, we explore why, as well as some handy tips to get you started.

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Where Should You Publish Your Webcomics?

No matter your age, chances are that at some point in your life, you’ve enjoyed cracking open a comic book or scanning the full-color Sunday comics. Maybe you’ve even sketched out some comics of your own. 

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5 Exciting Secrets to Selling More Books

Every self-published author has different goals for their book. 

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7 Tips to Successfully Crowdfund Your Next Book

Finding a publisher for your first book is hard. Really hard. There are something like 300,000 books released each year in the US by traditional publishers, but far more are being submitted to those publishers. Only a fraction of query letters and manuscripts will be read, and only a fraction of those will be considered for publication.

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The Do’s and Dont’s of Instagram for Self-Published Authors

When building a social media strategy for your self-published book, it’s important to know that the audiences for each platform you use (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) each have a different need from your posts. 

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When I was looking for a printer for my first book I put the project on a nationwide search site. The very first applicant was Steuben Press. Their estimate remained competitive as more than thirty others flooded in. Since then, through two more books and multiple printings, Steuben Press has proved themselves efficient, timely, responsive, and when I call, it's like in "Cheers," a place they know your name. I recommend them without reservation.

– John McReynolds, California

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