Everything You Need to Know About Hiring an Editor on Reedsy

Contrary to the myths, self-published authors can’t bring a book into the world alone.

Ever read the acknowledgement section of a book? You’ll probably notice a long list of editors, agents, and designers who made publishing that book possible.

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Why Do You Need an Editor?

One of the biggest mistakes new self-published authors often make is not editing their work enough before going to print.

You can read and re-read your work thousands of times, but sometimes a fresh set of eyes can make all the difference in catching a grammar mistake or plot hole.

No matter what you’re writing, finding a professional editor for your self-published book is essential, and can make or break your author experience.

Not only can a professional editor check for spelling and grammar errors, but they can guide you through fixing sticky storylines and dreaded formatting issues. Some editors even specialize in market research and can help focus your next steps in publication.

You can easily find qualified freelance editors on Reedsy that will make your book shine.

What is Reedsy?

Reedsy is a place for self-publishing authors and digital creators to connect with qualified experts in the industry. Here you can find editors, publicists, and a large database of educational tools and resources right at your fingertips.

Before Reedsy, you might have had to scour the internet to find skilled editors to help shape your story. But now, Reedsy brings the professionals right to you.

The site is a valuable resource to help you connect with editors who can assist with developmental editing, proofreading, and other essential editorial assessments that take your work to from rough draft to polished manuscript.

What Services Does Reedsy Offer to Self-published Authors?

Reedsy doesn’t stop at editing either. Using the Reedsy Marketplace feature, you can assemble your very own personalized team for any scope of writing project.

For example, your editor might ask you: what is the overall narrative arc of your protagonist? Is your dialogue formatted properly? Does your story speak to a specific audience?

Using all this information, your editor can target the specific needs of your manuscript and easily assist you with next steps.

But it doesn’t stop there. Looking for an amazing cover design for your book? How about marketing strategies to help promote your book to your target readers?

If you’re ready to pitch a project, Reedsy can even help ghostwrite a book proposal or query letter. These can be invaluable items to have ready to go, no matter where you’re looking to publish your work.

Or perhaps you’re looking to grow your author platform with a website or blog — Reedsy has you covered there, too.

You can connect with a Reedsy expert who can help you define your author brand and launch a website that will turn heads and gain momentum for your book release.

What Types of Editing does Reedsy Offer Self-published Authors?

Reedsy editors have been carefully selected based on their many years of experience in the publishing industry.

So which editing service is right for you?

You can receive in-depth developmental editing or a full editorial assessment to address your book’s strengths and weaknesses. Or, you can get some proofreading and copyediting to double-check small errors.

Whether you need someone to scour through your plotlines and help with character development or just need a proofreader to run through everything with a fine-tooth comb, Reedsy has editing for every author at every stage.

What Can You Expect from a Reedsy Editor?

Editors on Reedsy are categorized by genre, so that you can find the perfect fit for your work.

Because of the marketplace structure, you can take your time finding the editor that’s right for you. Editors set their own rates and service offerings, so you can compare prices and budget for what you need.

You can browse all the profiles you want, and request free quotes from professionals who seem best aligned with your goals.

Once you find the right editing service for you, you can immediately start collaborating with your editor. You can send messages, upload documents, and schedule payments to your editor, all through the Reedsy app.

You can even access the new Collaborating Writing Tool that will allow you and your editor to collaborate on a document at the same time.

You can read some amazing success stories about how Reedsy editors helped authors develop best-selling books and launch websites that generated excitement for their new books.

What is the Editing Contract Like?

Through the app, you’ll never have to worry about losing precious emails or editor’s notes. In your dashboard, you can keep track of messages and suggested changes to the documents you upload.

Depending on where you live (US, Canada, etc.), you’ll create a contract with your editor for a specific service or deadline.

You can also easily add your desired payment information so that you can pay your editor automatically without complicated invoices or writing checks.

How Much Does It Cost?

All authors invest a certain amount of money getting their work ready for publication. Self-published authors usually find that the more they put into it, the more they love the final product.

Depending on what you’re looking for, you can expect to pay up to $2,000 for editing services (based on a 60,000 word book).

Some editors charge by word, while others adjust their pricing per project.

It’s important to note that prices can fluctuate a lot depending on how “rough” your manuscript is, and the level of editorial assistance you need.

You also may want to factor in cover design, formatting, and marketing costs which can range from $100-$1,000 depending on who you hire. As always, you can expect higher rates from more experienced designers and marketing experts.

Is Reedsy Worth it for Self-Publishing Authors?

As many authors can attest, getting to the final product can feel like a marathon. And what better way to conquer that journey than with an amazing editor and cheerleader by your side?

Reedsy makes finding your award-winning team as simple as ever, without ever taking away from your precious writing time. These experienced professionals can elevate your book and make every sentence jump off the page.

Reedsy allows you to hand-craft your author journey with all the tools and know-how you’ll need to create a beautiful book. No matter where your project is at or where you want it to go, Reedsy can help you make your book unforgettable.

Top Free Tools for Self-Editing

Want to try out some editing of your own before busting out the big guns?

Try these 10 free editing tools to sharpen your skills >

Adam user

President & CEO,
Steuben Press

Adam Ellis has worked in the book industry since 2002, when he was first exposed to the wonderful world of Self Publishing. Over the years he has worked with thousands of authors and helped to produce, print and publish countless books.


When I was looking for a printer for my first book I put the project on a nationwide search site. The very first applicant was Steuben Press. Their estimate remained competitive as more than thirty others flooded in. Since then, through two more books and multiple printings, Steuben Press has proved themselves efficient, timely, responsive, and when I call, it's like in "Cheers," a place they know your name. I recommend them without reservation.

– John McReynolds, California

Press Box Productions, lompocwriter@gmail.com