Why Authors Should Use Clubhouse to Sell More Books

There are social media platforms out there to help authors market their self-published books. Facebook, Instagram, and even the newest TikTok craze can help you promote your book online to a wide range of potential readers and fans.

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But how can you cut through the noise and make a real impact?

Meet your newest author tool: Clubhouse.

Releasing in beta stages in early 2020, this social networking app is all about drop-in audio. Here you can curate interesting conversations, participate in author Q&A’s, and get the latest industry scoop from professionals in the writing world.

If you’re interested in furthering your name as an expert or building momentum for your business, this is the place for you.

Clubhouse is an excellent place for authors to network, collaborate, and even book future speaking gigs. Think about it like a cross between LinkedIn and a live panel discussion.

So whether you’re promoting a business book or releasing a self-published book of any genre, you’re going to want to leverage Clubhouse as part of your marketing plan.

What is Clubhouse?

Just like the podcast craze in the past few years, people are making a return to audio.

Audio is thriving, which makes Clubhouse a great place for people who want to engage in conversations without all the typical social media baggage (chasing likes, followers, engagement, etc).

Users can create “rooms” to hold a discussion on a topic of their choice. Moderators of the room can select people from the “audience” to speak when they’re called on. This makes for a great format for longer discussions about your business or book topic.

When you make an account, you can select your unique interests — from entertainment to cooking to mental health support groups. From there, you can see live conversations appear in your “hallway,” and you can choose to pop in and just listen, or raise your hand to get on stage.

The app was originally only available on iPhone by invites from current users, making it a bit mysterious and exclusive. Now the app is available to anyone with any device, and you don’t need an invite. This makes it even more accessible for fans and potential readers you connect with online.

How to Use Clubhouse for Authors

You already know from promoting your self-published book online that to sell copies of your book, you have to be not only a great writer but a savvy salesperson.

Whether you’re pitching your new self-published book to an agent or getting the word out to your core audience, you’ll need to get your message across to as many people as possible.

The app recently revealed it’s going to partner with TED Talks to curate audio-only discussions, which you’re not going to want to miss (as a listener or a future speaker!)

Whether you decide to join a conversation or start your own, you’ll be in the perfect environment to meet like-minded authors and potential forever fans.

So how do you use Clubhouse to spread the word about your business or non-fiction book release? Let’s break it down.

1. Curate Your “Hallway”

As you know from other social media platforms, it’s not always what you know in a particular industry, but who you know (or in this case follow).

To get the most out of Clubhouse, you’ll want to follow the right people. This might mean other authors in your genre, literary agents, and especially your target audience.

Not sure who your target audience is?

Start with the “Find Conversations About” section of the app. Is your book about business? Follow some business owners and CEOs. Have a humorous memoir? Find the comedians and humor writers on the app.

You can also join specific “Clubs” dedicated to ongoing topics, which is also a great place to find your people.

If you listen to a particularly engaging conversation, follow the speakers, moderators, and audience members in the room by tapping on their profile photos. There you can read their profile information and determine if they’ll be good to network with.

2. Optimize Your Profile

You know from creating an author bio that it’s important to get a reader’s attention from the jump.

When you make a bio for your Clubhouse profile, make sure to include the most important details at the very front for easy scan-ability. You should also use keywords to make you even more discoverable.

Depending on who you are and what your book is about, keywords like “Realtor Mogul,” “Marine Biologist,” or the full title of your book can go a long way in finding new readers or industry professionals to network with.

You can also link other social media accounts on your profile, so you can direct new followers to follow you on your other channels as well.

If you’re interested in running a Kickstarter, it’s also a great opportunity to direct new followers to your book campaign, or create a “tip jar” by linking your Venmo or CashApp information.

People enjoy supporting artists and creators on this app, so make sure you give fans a chance to show you some love!

3. Get into Conversations

Clubhouse is all about starting big conversations. As a self-published author, this makes for an excellent place to speak on author panels, host live book Q&A’s, or even do a reading of your book.

You’re by no means limited in format, either. Entertainers are known to have music open mics, comedy shows, and full theatrical productions on the app.

To start, you can simply hop into a room and listen to a conversation. If you have something to add, you can click the “raise your hand” button and wait for a moderator to bring you up.

Pro Tip: Mute your microphone until you’re called on as a courtesy.

Want to curate an author panel or lead a discussion on an important topic? You can easily create your own room and invite guests and promote the discussion on your other social media channels.

4. Promote Yourself

As a self-published author, you’ve got to be your biggest advocate to sell copies of your book and gain a following of dedicated readers.

Clubhouse provides excellent opportunities to practice speaking, pitching your ideas, and leading big conversations. There are even special rooms just for pitching projects, where plenty of talented writers and entertainers hang out to share ideas and be heard.

Have an upcoming speaking event, Instagram Live, or book signing? You can also use a Clubhouse room to promote your upcoming events, or even practice and get immediate feedback on an idea you’re working on.

Be sure to include links to everything back in your bio so that you can also direct listeners there when your room is winding down.

5. Listen

It’s incredible to share your voice on Clubhouse, but it’s also important to listen. There are so many topics of discussion and incredible people using the app, you’re bound to hear something amazing if you take the time to listen in.

Celebrities are also known to pop into rooms from time to time, so it can be a treat to catch a live conversation from your favorite famous person if you’re lucky.

Because the format is audio-only, it’s easier to not get distracted by visuals of other attendees. This makes it easy to home in on a conversation you’re interested in.

There’s no camera or people in front of you, so you can relax. You can even take notes while you listen.

If you’re in an interesting room, it’s a great habit to follow and connect with speakers and participants that interest you. People often encourage others to send individual messages, so there’s always an opening to connect with someone new.

Leverage Clubhouse and Get More Speaking Gigs

If you’re a business book author and/or first-time self-published author, you’re likely looking to further your career. For non-fiction writers, you might want to be seen as an authority in your subject by showcasing your ideas in a Clubhouse room or panel discussion.

Whichever kind of book you’re writing, Clubhouse is on the cutting edge of helping you get there.

With some initial set up and intentionality on the app, you can set up future speaking gigs, land artist grants, and sell more copies of your book.

Speaking to others about your work is a key part of your marketing strategy. After all, word of mouth is the most effective way to gain an authentic following.

And the best way to get in front of your people is to book in-person speaking events. Check out our latest tips on how to land speaking gigs as an author >

Adam user

President & CEO,
Steuben Press

Adam Ellis has worked in the book industry since 2002, when he was first exposed to the wonderful world of Self Publishing. Over the years he has worked with thousands of authors and helped to produce, print and publish countless books.

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Steuben Press is an excellent choice for self-published authors! This printing company helped me to deliver a high quality and professional product to my reading audience! I give them five stars and two thumbs up!!!!

– Thelma A Watkins, Memphis, TN

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