Steuben Press Blog

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The Best Way to Get a Speaking Gig as an Author

From making important contacts to higher brand visibility and beyond, you’ll be surprised at the opportunities you can cultivate from guest speaking gigs.

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What Are ARCs And Are They Worth It?

When you send ARCs to the right people, your book can gain recognition and attention that can help boost your self-published book sales down the road.

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Hook an Agent With a Killer Query Letter

When you decided to become a self-published author, you maybe didn’t realize you had to train yourself in entrepreneurship, too. 

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3 Ways to Boost Your Book’s Consignment Sales

Congratulations, you’ve signed a consignment deal! All your hard work has paid off, and your book is on the shelf at a local bookstore. So why aren’t the crowds flooding in to buy it yet? 

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Authors Share How to Blow ‘Em Out of the Water with Your Book Release Party

As an indie or self-published author, your book release party is a chance for you to put down the pen and raise a glass to all those countless late nights, endless edits, and tearful calls to your editor (which may or may not be your mom, we don’t judge).

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From Your Hands to Your Fans: How to Get Your Book on Consignment

There’s nothing quite like holding your first finished self-published book in your hands. 

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How to Write an Irresistible Non-Fiction Book Proposal

You’ve done hours of research, endless interviews, and spent countless nights posted up at your writer’s desk. 

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Boost Your Book Sales By Finding The Perfect Literary Agent

You did it! You’ve finally written that book you’ve been dreaming up. 

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What Does a Literary Agent Do?

If “talk to my agent!” is something you’ve always wanted to shout, then this article’s for you.

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How to Sell More Printed Books This Christmas

Thanksgiving is almost here, which means the masses of black Friday shoppers are close behind.

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I set the price, I collect the checks, and Steuben Press does all of the work. It’s a relief to know I never again have to print, package, and ship a book myself. The convenience is outweighed only by their professionalism.

– Andy Phelps, Michigan

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