Author Highlight: Real Estate Mogul & Team Leader Sean Moudry

Here at Steuben Press, we’re all about sharing the wealth of knowledge that self-published authors can offer both readers and other aspiring writers. This is especially true for business books, as it's the author's goal to support the success of their reader.


We couldn’t think of a better example of this reciprocation than the book penned by our newest self-published author highlight: Sean Moudry.

Sean Moudry seems to have come out the gate with energy. At just 21 years old, he began his career as a real estate agent, and quickly landed himself in the Hall of Fame at RE/MAX for his early successes.

He shifted gears into the Brokerage realm, and began leading teams at Keller Williams. It was around this time when Moudry realized something pivotal: The importance of salespeople using their unique personalities to make a deal. Not only that, but he realized you didn’t need to be an extrovert to close a sale.

Hoping to share this revelation with others, Moudry wrote and self-published his second business book in 2019: 16 Strategies for SalesHis book is still a strong performer, sitting at the top 271 spot for the Psychology Testing & Measurement category on Amazon.

We spoke with Moudry to learn about the highs and lows of the self-publishing journey, and his tips for other entrepreneurs who want to self-publish a business book.

1.    When did you decide to publish your own business book? What was that decision like for you?

While building and growing my real estate brokerage business, I developed a technique that was very effective for recruiting and training real estate agents. I wrote the book so I could share the technique with others.

2.    Your book is called 16 Strategies For Sales. Why this topic, and why did you decide to write it now? And why 16?

16 Strategies for Sales is based on the Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator MBTI. There are 16 different personality types in the Myers-Briggs. In the book, I explain how each individual personality type can be effective in sales by identifying their strengths, weaknesses, and blind spots.

3.    Why did you decide to self-publish your business book?

This book is more of a tool for my coaching business than a traditional book. So self-publishing was a better option for me than approaching a publisher.

4.    What obstacles did you encounter on your publishing journey?

I found that writing the initial copy was easy. It’s the editing that takes the most time.

It can be draining going through multiple rounds of editing. I found that there were times when I just had to set the book down for a while and go back to it later with fresh eyes.

5.    Did you work with editors or writing coaches on the book?

I hired a professional editor for 16 Strategies for Sales, but I didn’t hire a coach. I feel like I missed out on a few opportunities that a coach would have pointed out — things like a clear subtitle, book description, and how to promote the book.

6.    You mention in the book personalities that are not naturally sales-oriented can achieve success in sales. Do you think this idea applies to any other industries? (i.e., can a shy person be a great public speaker?)

Absolutely. There are many very popular introverted public speakers. Self-proclaimed introvert Simon Sinek is the author of Start With Why, and has one of the most-watched Ted Talks.

When Sinek speaks, he relies on his passion for the information and his intentionality with making sure he is communicating clearly. I believe this comes from his refined writing skills that he translates into his presentation.

7.    What kind of research did you do for this book?

As a MBTI practitioner, I have given and validated hundreds of Myers-Briggs assessments for sales people. Additionally, I read several other MBTI text books to ensure that my content was accurate and in line with the teaching of the MBTI. I would say all in all, I had 10 years of research.

8.    Did anything surprise you about the self-publishing process?

16 Strategies is the second book that I self-published. In 2006, I published a book on real estate investing. That book took over a year to write, and cost over $60,000 to edit, produce, and print.

Today, we have access to editors across the world. And with companies like Kindle, Direct Publishing, and Audible, it’s easier than ever to self-publish a book and get it out into the world.

9.    What advice would you give to entrepreneurs who want to write and publish their own business books but are afraid to get started?

Start with the end goal in mind. Specifically, what do you want this book to do for you or your business? Do you want to sell coaching? Get speaking events? Sell your product?

Your book is a way to bring customers closer to you, and to tell them what you want them to do after they finish your book.

10.  How did you market the book once it came out?

I didn’t have a clear plan on how to promote the book. I mailed the book to influential people in the real estate industry. I also asked to speak on podcasts and YouTube channels.

11.  Did writing the book help you achieve your business goals?

The book has been effected in what it was intended to be: a tool. So for that reason, I would say yes.

12.  Do you have plans to write another book? We'd love to know!

Yes, I’m currently in the process of finishing another book that will serve as a “keynote” topic book — one that will drive the overall message for my speaking and coaching business.

13.  Did publishing a book help boost your public profile? How so?

When you write a book people immediately perceive you as an authority, which is well deserved. Writing a book is not easy. Writing forces you to review, research, and defend your thoughts. I’ve found that people who don’t even read the book still see you as an authority on the subject just because you took the time and effort to write a book!

14.  What book should everyone be reading right now?

The book I just finished is The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel. In this book, Housel takes the difficult job of talking about money management and finance. He explains his beliefs without shaming the reader. It’s a good read.

You can pick up a copy of Moudry's 16 Strategies for Sales here > 

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Author Bio

When you think of Sean Moudry, think of results. His long and proven track record of success in multiple roles ranging from a Mega-Agent, Team Leader, Brokerage Owner, and Real Estate Investor.  Sean is high energy, passionate, and intuitive.

Sean began his career in 1995 at the age of 21.  Selling 72 homes his first Year and being honored with the Hall of Fame at RE/MAX ($1 Million in GCI) in just 4.5 Years.  Featured in REALTOR Magazine 30 Under 30 in 2002, While maintaining Mega Agent Status for over 15 Years consistently, with annual Individual volume of over $22 Million and Team Volume greater than $40 Million. 

Shifting gears to the Brokerage side, Sean became a Team Leader for Keller Williams growing his market center’s profitability over $135,000 year over year, while recruiting over 115 agents in 2011, landing Sean in the Top 10 Team Leaders in Keller Williams, Black Belt Status, and Franchisee.

In 2014, Sean Founded and Real Estate Brokerage Brand, Steps Real Estate, in Boulder, Colorado, and build his own Coaching Company. Growing the real estate brokerage to four locations, and $240 Million in Sales Volume.

In 2019, Sean wrote 16 Strategies for Sales, a book and program designed to help salespeople find the best lead generation strategy based on their Myers-Brigg Personality Profile.

In 2020, Sean returned home to Keller Williams Realty to build a legacy by helping sales people achieve their dreams.

Adam user

President & CEO,
Steuben Press

Adam Ellis has worked in the book industry since 2002, when he was first exposed to the wonderful world of Self Publishing. Over the years he has worked with thousands of authors and helped to produce, print and publish countless books.


When I was looking for a printer for my first book I put the project on a nationwide search site. The very first applicant was Steuben Press. Their estimate remained competitive as more than thirty others flooded in. Since then, through two more books and multiple printings, Steuben Press has proved themselves efficient, timely, responsive, and when I call, it's like in "Cheers," a place they know your name. I recommend them without reservation.

– John McReynolds, California

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