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Save Money and Time with Self-Publishing Consultation Services

Our virtual consultation services provide personalized and professional guidance to help you feel comfortable with the self-publishing process.

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The Digital Printing Advantage: Print Your Book in Color for Cheap

Nothing beats the feeling of holding your self-published book in your hands for the first time.

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The Difference Between Book Printing And Book Publishing

At first glance, book printing and book publishing can seem pretty similar. But there a few important differences for self-published authors to understand.

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How to Format Your Word Document for Book Printing (on Mac or PC)

If you’re a writer, you’re probably no stranger to Microsoft Word. But when it comes to self-publishing, you may not know how to format your Word document for book printing.

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Steuben press how to choose the right binding for your novel

How to Choose the Right Binding for Your Novel

The stack of “books I want to read” that sits on the edge of my desk just surpassed 20 volumes.

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What type of paper should you choose for your book?

One of the most frequent questions we receive from new authors is what type of paper would we recommend for printing. It’s an important consideration for the look and feel of your finished book, and deserves some real explanation. However, it can also be a confusing and overwhelming question for someone who isn’t around a print shop every day.

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I really want color in my book, but I can’t afford it, right?

In your search for a book printer you will come across many companies that offer you a book that is printed in black and white, or a book that is printed in color. The key word in that sentence is OR. With many book printers you will have to make a choice between printing your book all in color or all in black and white. If you choose color, that means you will be charged color rates for pages that have nothing but text printed on them, and worse yet, even pages in your book that are blank. And if your book is 200 pages long, the cost to print it can be pretty steep.

But rest easy, there is a solution! You can have color pages in your book without breaking the bank to pay for it.

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The entire Steuben Press Team have been perfect partners for my book and my customers. They are engaged, dedicated, and continually working with complete professionalism. I look forward to my next project with Steuben Press.

– Kristen Pirog, Germany

Buy a copy of Kristen’s “An Army ABC Book,” in one of its many formats here.