Steuben Press Blog

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The Top 10 Most Talked About eBook Platforms

If you’ve been debating skipping out on the eBook craze, you may want to reconsider. 

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5 Reasons Why Every Self-Published Author Should Use MyBookTable

Being a self-published author means being a self-starter, a hustler, a total get the picture.

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How to Promote Your Book on Goodreads

As a self-published author, it’s in your DNA to be a book nerd. But don’t worry — we love book nerds at Steuben Press. That’s why we became book printers, after all.

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4 Ways to Get More Readers to Your Author Blog

As a self-published author, being a blogger is second nature.

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4 Tricks to Drive More Traffic to Your Author Site

Being a self-published author means embracing the DIY mindset when it comes to producing and selling your book.

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Hook More Readers with an Effective Email Campaign

Thanks to the Internet, times are always changing on the marketing front.

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Sell More Copies of Your Book on Social Media

If you’ve recently completed your first manuscript, congratulations! All those late nights, endless cups of coffee and countless revisions have finally paid off.

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Sp 019 5 tips to market your book on facebook

How to Find New Fans and Sell Your Book on Facebook

As a self-published author, you’ve got multiple hats to wear: author, literary agent, publisher, marketing manager, and sometimes even cover designer.

And one of the most important roles you’ll play in your book’s financial success? Social media strategist.

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Sp 013 5 things your writer's website must have

5 Things Your Author Site Needs to Sell More Books

Your author website is your main platform for finding new readers and communicating with existing fans. Here are the 5 things your writer’s website must have to help you sell more books.

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Sp 012 5 best author websites that will inspire your own

5 Best Author Websites That Will Inspire Your Own

These five best author/writer websites are great inspiration for how you can make your own website attract readers, sell copies of your book, and make you money as a self-published author.

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– Don Wood, Tennessee