How to Take Your Writing to a Whole New Place — Literally

In the case of at-home writer’s block, a change of scenery could be all you need to get your creativity flowing again. We’ve got some ideas for places you can explore to get away from your desk and get the words flowing again.

Places to write outside of your office

Writing a book takes more than creativity. Countless hours are poured into crafting sentences, editing, rewriting — and (more often than not) starting over completely.

If you do most of your writing at home, you’re probably familiar with the typical domestic distractions — kids, TV, roommates or spouses,pets, looming chores, etc. — not to mention the writer's block that can creep up when stuck in the same familiar spaces.

In the case of at-home writer’s block, a change of scenery could be all you need to get your creativity flowing again. We’ve got some ideas for places you can explore to get away from your desk and get the words flowing again.

Co-Working Spaces

Escaping your house can be the key to getting out of your head, and being in a social space could be a great way to stimulate the imagination.

Many cities have co-working spaces where you can rent a shared or semi-private space for a fee. Memberships range in price, often between $100 a month to over $400 a month, depending on location, amenities and level of privacy.

Depending on the space, higher-end co-working spaces can host amenities like free Wi-Fi and ethernet Internet access, fully furnished office spaces, conference rooms, community kitchen, on-site parking and more. Some even have their own gym and showers, and exercise is an excellent way to get fresh blood to the brain.

Get Outside

As writers, we’velong been inspired by the sights, sounds and smells of the outdoors. From Hesiod and Homer’s pastoral musings to Thoreau’s infamous “Walden,” nature is an iconic source of creativity for writers.

Writing outside can reenergize your mind. Explore a public garden or park for comfortable writing spots. Even if you only move to your back porch, fresh air and sunlight can kickstart your creativity.

Some laptop screens are difficult to see in the sun, so you may want to bring a pen and notebook if a pavilion or source of shade isn’t available. You can also invest in various screen shades to help reduce glare from the sun and fluorescent lights.

If you need Wi-Fi for your writing, bring a hot spot or jetpack with you — although sometimes the Internet is merely a distraction from staying focused!

People-Watching Spaces

Stuck on a character’s physical description or a line of dialogue? Need to describe a setting, or simply need a change of scenery for fresh ideas? Writing in a public space can provide much-needed ideas for character development or stimulate your imagination if you’re stuck in a rut.

Head down to your favorite bar, coffee shop or library to sit and write for a while. Who knows which bits of conversations or passing faces may pique your interest or inform your writing.

For more unique inspirations, you can go to a museum or aquarium and write on a bench or table at a gift shop or cafe.

A Different Room

Sometimes you can’t get away from the house — you could be snowed in, lacking transportation, or have to look after kids. Simply moving to a new room or space in the house can help give your head a reset.

If you’re always writing from a home study, move to your porch or patio. Even working at the kitchen table or on the living room couch instead could be enough of a change to get your writing out of a rut. For extra luxury, try writing from the bathtub — just swap out your laptop for a pen and paper.

Try a Writer’s Retreat

There are many writer’s retreats available around the world that can offer you a break from your typical writing spots and put you in the company of other creatives. If you dream of getting away to work on your writing or to get some experienced guidance, a writing retreat could be exactly what you need.

Here’s a list of writing retreats and their locations to check out in 2017, based both in America and abroad.

Sometimes getting through your writer’s block is as simple as getting out of your house or office for a few hours, or even a few minutes. If all else fails, a small walk around the block may help chip away at the writer’s block waiting for you at home.

Adam user

President & CEO,
Steuben Press

Adam Ellis has worked in the book industry since 2002, when he was first exposed to the wonderful world of Self Publishing. Over the years he has worked with thousands of authors and helped to produce, print and publish countless books.

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