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How to stay true to your writing steuben press

6 Tips for Staying True to Your Writing

Kurt Vonnegut once said, “Write to please just one person. If you open a window and make love to the world, so to speak, your story will get pneumonia.”

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Writing In The 21st Century: Why Writing By Hand Is Still Beneficial

The irony of the fact I am typing this article on my laptop is not lost on me. With technology often comes improvements, but there is also always something lost it seems. Whenever we trade effort for convenience through the use of technology, the efficiency is gained at a cost. Digital photography has largely replaced film, but there’s just something about a black and white silver gelatin print that can’t be reproduced on the best of inkjet printers. The sound of a vinyl record may not be of the same fidelity as a CD, but it has a personality and a quality that the digital medium somehow does not capture.

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Can These 9 Tips From Famous Authors Make You a Better Writer?

Like any profession, writing has greats—those who did something first, did it differently, or those who did it best.

As professionals dealing in the written word, there is a wealth of quotations, quips and inspiration to be found from these individuals, but they don't get the same love as those from other focuses. You're not likely to see quotes from these great writers in the form of cheesy inspirational posters in offices, or painted on the walls of weightrooms to help push you further.

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Carnality 2
Printing our books at Steuben Press has been the easiest step in the very hectic journey of publishing a book. They were friendly, accessible, and delivered a quality product right on time. Will definitely be working with them again in the future. 
– Josiah Hesse, Denver, Colorado
Pick up a copy of Josiah Hesse's latest book in his Carnality series at