3 Writers Share How to Stay Inspired

From jotting down all your ideas to researching to networking, there are things you can do today to help keep your creative juices flowing and your project moving forward.

Here are 3 insights from successful writers about maintaining your inspiration as a self-published writer.

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As a self-published writer, you’re probably no stranger to the occasional writer’s block.

Finding and maintaining your inspiration is critical to keep writing, and it can be difficult to know where to turn when the inspiration well runs dry.

Whether you're an aspiring or an established writer, it can help to see how other successful writers find motivation for their next projects or how they maintain inspiration for their current stories.

From jotting down all your ideas to researching to networking, there are things you can do today to help keep your creative juices flowing and your project moving forward.

Here are 3 insights from successful writers about maintaining your inspiration as a self-published writer.

Jeff Goins: No Ideas are Bad Ideas

Jeff Goins is a popular blogger and best-selling author who provides valuable advice for staying motivated and maintaining your inspiration as a writer.

One inspiration tactic that Goins stresses is the importance of recording all your ideas as they come, no matter how simple they may be.

Jotting down all your ideas can help reenergize your writing and keep your creative juices flowing. And looking back through old ideas in your notebook can help you see your current writing project in a fresh light, and help you flesh out aspects about your characters, setting or dialogue.

Plus, writing down your ideas can help prevent exciting new story lines from distracting you from your present writing project.

Kristen Pope: Unleash the Power of Brainstorming

Kristen Pope is a freelance writer and editor who also provides advice on her blog to help you overcome writer’s block and find inspiration in everyday moments and objects.

Pope argues that our daily lives offer plenty of opportunities to get motivated, and that it's simply a matter of noticing the many sources of inspiration that can be found in our daily scenery and routine.

Pope encourages you to find an everyday occurrence and think of a related topic that you could write about. Let your ideas flow unhindered (she uses an alarm clock ringing as an example). Keep ruminating on whatever comes to mind and dig deep into your topic with research — you'll be surprised where your creative process takes you!

Pope’s tip is a good way to set the foundation for a new story, but it can also help you rekindle your passion for a story that’s given you writer’s block.

Molly Greene: Say Yes to Networking

Molly Greene is an acclaimed self-published writer and widely-read blogger who specializes in writing tips.

Greene’s blog ranges from marketing your self-published work to notes about her own writing process. In one of Greene’s blogs, she stresses the benefits of networking for self-published authors to stay inspired and motivated.

If you’ve hit a wall with your writing, attending a local meetup or a writer’s conference where you can talk to industry experts can help breathe fresh life into your writing.

Networking with writers and editors can give you the opportunity to get knowledgeable feedback about your story or a new idea from experienced peers.

Plus, the opportunity to hear about the interesting endeavors being taken on by your peers can help inspire new ideas for your own story.

Use Your Resources

There's a breadth of online resources that can springboard you into your next book or help you get through a bout of writer's block.

Sometimes all it takes is a new view to breathe fresh life into your writing. Stay inspired by taking your writing to a whole new place – literally >

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President & CEO,
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Adam Ellis has worked in the book industry since 2002, when he was first exposed to the wonderful world of Self Publishing. Over the years he has worked with thousands of authors and helped to produce, print and publish countless books.


I’ve had three books printed by the team at Steuben Press. The folks here are generous in their advice and insights and efficient and timely in delivery. As long as this team exists, and I author books, our relationship will endure.

– Fr. Joseph Oblinger, Montana

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