Steuben Press Blog

Sp 010howtoselfpublishyourebookin5easysteps

How to Self-Publish Your eBook in 5 Easy Steps

This digital era we live in can get overwhelming. It seems nearly everything takes place online now; from conversations to classes to — you guessed it! — reading books. 

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Sp 007 5waystogetfreeprofessionalreviewsasaselfpublishedauthor

5 Ways to Get Free Professional Reviews as a Self-Published Author

Although it may not always feel like it, being a self-published author has several advantages over traditional publishing

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Sp 020 5waystoreigniteyourwritingsparkforthenewyear

Write Your Way Into The New Year: 5 Ways to Reignite Your Spark

If describing yourself as a writer has made you cringe lately, it may be a sign you’ve had some time away from your notebook.

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Sp 005 5 self publishing trends to look out for in 2018

5 Self-Publishing Trends to Keep You Ahead of the Game in 2018

With the increasing capabilities of the Internet, self-publishing becomes more possible for aspiring writers every year. 

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Sp 001 mistakes to avoid when self publishing

7 Common Self-Publishing Mistakes to Look Out For

Self-publishing your book is a powerful way to get your story out into the world as an aspiring author.

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7 Self-Published Authors Share Their Biggest Mistakes

Self-publishing your book has more than a handful of advantages over traditional publishing. 

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Sp 018 financial benefits of self publishing

How Much You Can Save When You Self-Publish

From maximizing on royalties to owning the copyright, here’s how you can save money when you self-publish.

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Sp 017 tried and true tips for self publishers

4 Tried and True Tips to Get Your Book Published

Although every writer has the opportunity to self-publish, it’s not always a smooth road ahead. Self-publishing takes time, dedication and hard work — just like writing.

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Steuben press   how to get book reviews without being annoying %281%29

How to Get Real Book Reviews and Sell More Books

Your book is amazing. You know that. We know that. Does anyone else know that?

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Steuben press 3 common misconceptions that people still have about self publishing

3 Common Misconceptions About Self-Publishing

Whether you have published some of your work before or this is the first book you want to put out there, you may already know that there are two ways to get published.

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Divine ordinariness frntcover

I worked with Jamie Howell at Steuben, editing, formatting, and printing my first book, Divine Ordinariness. She did a superb job offering ideas that truly enhanced the final product. Sharp, responsive, creative, and quick processionals, a pleasure to work with. Jamie even stopped the press to make a major revision when I got midstream deal-breaker feedback and had to rework the project. Steuben is the way to go for fine quality service. Thanks a lot, Steuben.

– Catherine Scott, Evergreen, CO