Steuben Press Blog

7 Simple Ways to Beat Writer's Block

The stage is set: You're at your desk, a tasty beverage at the ready. Your hands are clasped in front of your chin, eyebrows creased in concentration, and you're drawing a blank as large as the blank page illuminating your screen.

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What should be included in the "Back of the Book Blurb?"

They say you can't judge a book by its cover, that's true, but remember a book's cover includes the "stuff" on the back. That stuff, also known as a blurb, typically goes a long way in determining a potential reader's likelihood of purchasing and reading your book. And let's face it, we all do it: we pick a book off the shelf at the bookstore or library, look at the cover, and then almost instinctively turn the book over to peruse the "back of the book blurb." Most of us utilize that one-handed reverse flip motion of our dominant hand's wrist.

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How many books should I print?

Whether dealing with Steuben Press or any other book printer, a key question for every author to ask is “how many books should I print?”

There’s no exact answer, of course—everyone author and every book is different—but we ask our clients to consider a few points when making their decision.

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What in the World is an ISBN, Anyway?

For any author, making sure people can find your book is one of the essential elements of success (maybe second only to actually writing a book). It sounds much simpler than it is, of course; the main challenge of self-publishing is the self-promotion and marketing.

With all of the work involved in self-publishing a book, it could be tempting to trim down the process. While we’re all for making life easy there’s one element no author should skip: the ISBN.

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How important is it for my book printer to be local?

In a perfect world every author would have a local shop they could turn to for their needs, especially given how personal a book printing project can be. Authors pour themselves into the writing of a book, and they, like you, want to be sure the quality of their finished piece reflects the quality of their words.

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Were moving where

Thank you, Steuben Press, for bringing my book to life! Roger, your cover design skills are exceptional and Adam, your skill with the interior design was steller. 

– Maripat Abbott, Sewickely, PA

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