4 Tried and True Tips to Get Your Book Published

Although every writer has the opportunity to self-publish, it’s not always a smooth road ahead. Self-publishing takes time, dedication and hard work — just like writing.

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But self-publishing can be an easier journey with advice from the experts. From how to grow your audience to accessing copywriting services to staying dedicated, here are 4 time-tested advice to help you successfully get your book self-published.

Keep Writing

The first rule to achieving your self-publishing dreams is probably the most obvious: keep writing.

You don't have to publish everything you write — the important thing is to write as much as you can so you can sift through and find the story that shines.

With enough practice, you can develop the habits you need to keep writing — even through writer’s block and time away from your journal or laptop.

Plus, the more you write, the more opportunities you have to sharpen your skills and produce higher-quality material.

It’s also important to set a realistic timeline for your writing goals. If you’re looking to publish a story within the next few years but the scope of your story is so large that it will take years (or decades) of research to put together, it may be better to focus on something smaller, simpler, and more realistically publishable by your (approximate) deadline.

Find Your Audience

Resonating with a broad audience and being adored by all certainly sounds appealing. But for most writers, finding your core audience is crucial to getting your book into the hands of interested readers.

Understanding how to hone in on your potential reader will help you save time and money by not marketing to uninterested audiences. The better you can speak to your target audience, the more likely you are to sell your book.

Once you’ve established your readership, you can grow your credibility within your target audience to become a thought leader in your book’s topic. This will allow you to create fans that will be interested in the progress in your career and eager to buy your next book.

Build Your Fan-base Early

As a self-published writer, getting your book sold is entirely dependent on your efforts. That means you’ve got to have an effective marketing strategy to get your book into the hands of future fans and to make money.

Before your book is even finished, it’s never too early to start networking as an author and to build hype around your work. This means finding local groups and online forums where you can interact with readers, authors, and influencers on social media.

Another great way to find valuable contacts and build a writing network is to attend a writer’s workshop or conference. Not only will you meet new people and find other like-minded writers in your field, but you’ll get the chance to hone your craft and get input from peers and experts alike.

Find Free Tools

Without a traditional publisher, you won't have the luxury of in-house editing services, formatting, or marketing. Luckily you won’t have to deal with the cost of these services, either.

With the ever-growing online community of self-publishing experts, there are more online free tools than ever to help you successfully publish your book all on your own. Here are a few self-publishing tools you can utilize along your self-publishing journey

Free copyediting tools: Editing and proofreading is a necessary tool for any self-published author. And there is a plethora of free online tools you can use to sharpen these skills.

Use the Hemingway App to correct issues with tone and structure, Cliché Finder to avoid clichés, and EditMinion to strengthen your sentences.

Self-publishing platforms: There are many digital and print markets to consider when the time finally comes to get your work into readers' hands.

Electronic services like CreateSpace, Sellfy, AuthorHouse, Outskirts Press, and Xlibris can help you get your book into final publishing form before it goes to print.

Printing, binding, and formatting: You may not think about the printing, binding and formatting of your book until further down the road, but they’re the last important step between you and a physical copy of your life’s work.

Look for a turnkey solution to handle these aspects for you. Working with a book printer like Steuben Press gives you access to services such as book printing, binding, and cover design.

Self-publishing is the way to get your book published while satisfying your schedule and budget needs. Ready to learn more about self-publishing? Download our free guide to learn how to get your book to print and sell more copies >

Adam user

President & CEO,
Steuben Press

Adam Ellis has worked in the book industry since 2002, when he was first exposed to the wonderful world of Self Publishing. Over the years he has worked with thousands of authors and helped to produce, print and publish countless books.


I found Steuben Press through an internet search for book printers and I could not have been more pleased with the print work they did on my book, "128 Tips to Make You a More Effective Leader." The personal service from Adam and Jamie made it a seamless, stress-free process from start to finish and the quality and value was exceptional. I am a raving fan! I look forward to doing business with ou again!

– Abby Donnelly, Greensboro, NC

To learn more about Abby and her book visit www.128tips.com