Steuben Press Blog

Steuben press   5 fatal self publishing mistakes that can destroy your novel

5 Fatal Self-Publishing Mistakes That Can Destroy Your Novel

Getting a book deal is not easy, and if you manage to get one, it usually comes with strategic and creative restrictions and a royalty contract that may or may not satisfy you.

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Steuben press   self publishing vs traditional publishing   which one should you choose

Self-Publishing vs. Traditional Publishing: Which One Should You Choose?

Authors nowadays have the luxury and freedom of choosing how to present their work to the public, whether it is through traditional publishing or self-publishing.

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Self publishing book printing quotes online

Your Book Is Written — Now What?

After months or maybe even years of work, your book is finally finished. You’re feeling great and can’t wait for the world to read your masterpiece. But how is anyone out there going to know about your book?

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Debunking Writer's Block

Writers often complain about "writer's block," as if we writers have an inherent disability that prevents us from effectively completing our work. In no other field is there a specially designed label for failure.

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Crowded pidgeons

How to Navigate the Overcrowded World of Self-Publishing

If you want to self-publish a book, you may be overwhelmed by the sheer number of hucksters wanting to “help you.” They promise the impossible–that for a small upfront fee you will have Total and Complete Control, your book will enjoy worldwide distribution, and you will keep 100% of your royalties.

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Writing Warm-Ups

Runners jog before sprinting, yogis do downward dogs before inversions, lovers have foreplay before sex... why is it that writers believe they are the sole subset of humanity that can accomplish their main objectives without any warm-up excercises?

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Need a Review? Kirkus gives every author a chance.

It can be hard for an unknown author who is trying to break into the industry to get a review. In fact, it can seem downright impossible. However, there is a service that can makes this possible for you: Kirkus Reviews.

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Using Facebook to Promote Your Books

Whether you are an aspiring author or a seasoned self-publisher, you may not think that you have time to promote your book on social media. You might tell yourself, "I'm a writer! Not a promoter."

Truth is, it is not as hard as you think to market your book through Facebook. Here are a few tips to help you get started on promoting your work on Facebook. 

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Tips for young authors and writers

If you're a young, aspiring author, you may find that there is a lot of headway to be made in order to hone in on your craft, and make a sustainable living from it. Successes can be few and far between when starting out, but don't dismay. Here are some tips to help keep you going.

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5 Tips for improving the readability of your book

Congratulations! You've written, edited, rewritten, second-guessed, and finally ended that final sentence, completing a fully formed work of art crafted from nothing but your own words and ideas!

Now it's time to share your work with the world, but there's a problem: the way your book looks on a screen (or even printed on an 8.5” x 11” page) is much different than how it will appear in a book.

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Since finding Steuben Press my book printing journey has been a success! The staff at Steuben Press have been absolutely fantastic. Whatever questions I have encountered along the way, I could always count on their team to be ready with the answer. Fast, affordable and efficient, you will never be disappointed in the fantastic service of this company.

– Christi Johnston, Arkansas

Support Christi and her book, “Love Language” on Amazon