5 Reasons Why Every Self-Published Author Should Use MyBookTable

Being a self-published author means being a self-starter, a hustler, a total boss...you get the picture.

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You don’t have anyone else to rely on when it comes to building hype and getting new readers for your book. So you’ve got to stay on top of all the tools that can help you stay ahead of the crowd and sell more copies of your book.  

And one of those tools that every self-published author should know about is called MyBookTable.

What is MyBookTable?

If you use Wordpress as the platform for your author site, MyBookTable is a plugin that helps you create a custom bookstore.

Think of it like an eCommerce plugin that’s completely tricked out with features specifically designed to help self-published authors boost online sales. 

From creating a search-optimized bookstore that integrates with other online outlets (like Amazon, iBooks, Barnes & Noble and more) to pulling your book reviews from GoodReads, the benefits of MyBookTable for self-published authors is hard to overstate.

Here are 5 reasons why every self-published author should be using MyBookTable to sell more books.

Benefits of MyBookTable for Self-Published Authors

1. Create Landing Pages for Your Books

Whether your author site needs landing pages for your books or those pages just need a facelift, MyBookTable can help. 

The plugin makes it easy to create a landing page for each of your books. And having a landing page for each book (rather than just one page with all your titles) is important for driving more users to your website.

Why? You can pack each landing page with keywords related to your book’s topic, and give your entire site a larger “digital footprint” for Google to crawl with the additional landing pages.

The result? Higher search rankings for your website, more site visitors and ideally more book sales.

You can also add social sharing options, free Kindle previews and more. What’s not to love?

2. Search Optimize Every Book Landing Page

The search optimization feature is where MyBookTable really shines. 

Driving interested users to your author site so they can buy your book involves a few different marketing strategies. And one of the biggest is a solid SEO strategy.

SEO, or search engine optimization, refers to placing important keywords in the copy of your author site to help it show up first when people Google for relevant keyword phrases.

For example, if you’re a Colorado horror writer who just published a book about abandoned (and definitely haunted) Old West towns across the state, you’ll want to make sure your book shows up at the top of the list for anyone who Googles “Colorado horror books”, “Colorado horror stories”, “Haunted places in Colorado”, etc.

So MyBookTable’s ability to create a search-optimized landing page for all your books can make a huge difference in people finding your site, checking out your books and adding them to their cart. Cha-ching!

3. Integrate with an Abundance of Book Outlets

MyBookTable lets you integrate your online store with over 24 different book outlets, all on one page.

This is a huge benefit, since your readers have different brand loyalties and preferred platforms for buying your book. 

Some of your users may be Amazon prime members, so they’ll love the option to buy on Amazon. But for the indie loyalists, they can purchase your books through Goodreads and Indiebound. 

MyBookTable also has a localization feature, so when site visitors in Canada or Europe click on the Amazon link, it’ll automatically redirect them to Amazon.co.uk or Amazon.ca, making it even easier for your international audience to buy your book.

4. Free Kindle Preview

Who doesn’t love the opportunity to give a book a test-drive before diving in for the long haul? 

With MyBookTable, you can provide your readers with just that through a free Kindle Instant Preview. 

And the preview shows up right on your book page, so they won’t get bounced off or have to leave your site to give it a read. That means when they’re thirsty for more, the “Buy Now” button will be right at their fingertips. 

5. Integrate Reviews From Your GoodReads Account

Book reviews are the best form of social proof to nudge new readers into giving your book a try. 

MyBookTable lets you pull in the reviews from your GoodReads author account and put them on your author site. And promoting these reviews can help convince any lukewarm first-time visitors to become blazing-hot book buyers. 

Speaking of GoodReads, if you’re not already an aficionado in using this social platform for book nerds, you’re missing out on a great way of connecting your book with new readers.

From setting up your author page to getting reviews and votes on Listopia, here’s how you can get your self-published book noticed on Goodreads >

Adam user

President & CEO,
Steuben Press

Adam Ellis has worked in the book industry since 2002, when he was first exposed to the wonderful world of Self Publishing. Over the years he has worked with thousands of authors and helped to produce, print and publish countless books.

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Recently, Steuben Press printed my 213 page personal memoir. If you are contemplating having your own story professionally printed Steuben Press is the company for you! They will handle your manuscript with kid gloves and you'll be ever so proud to hand our each and every copy of your story to friends and family.

– Lin Joyce, Herndon, Virginia

Email Lin and purchase her story "Raising My Family Around the World ~ The Adventures of a CIA Wife and Mom in Stories, Snapshots and Letters."