Steuben Press Blog

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3 Key Ingredients to Rock Your First Book Tour

You've finally made the commitment to be a self-published author. Your book's printed, you made an amazing author website, and you can’t wait to share your work with the world.

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3 Steps to Defining and Finding Your Book’s Ideal Reader

Don't believe the hype about the internet killing books. Research shows that book readers have stayed true to their favorite hobby.

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4 Ways to Impress at Your First Book Signing

Your first book signing is an important part of your book’s marketing plan — and an exciting marker of success. It’s your chance to celebrate all the late nights and endless hours you put into your book, to interact with adoring fans, and to hook new readers.

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Storyteller girls

Creating a Story Teller Version of your Children's Book

Finding a way to stand out among the saturated market of children’s books authors can be a challenge. I am a firm believer that the old face to face approach when marketing to children works best. Doing a live reading to children can not only be fun for you as an author, but it is a great way to get exposure. Giving your little fans a personal connection to you and your book is the best way to get them coming back for more. 

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Book Marketing Tips & Tricks

Marketing your book can seem overwhelming, but you should have fun when marketing your book. Take the time to get to know your target market and market to them directly. We hope you find these book marketing tips and tricks to be helpful.

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Flight cover

After a disappointing proof of my labor-intensive and much loved manuscript from another printer, I decided to try Steuben Press. Based on recommendations from many of my publishing team who are all members of the Colorado Independent Publishers Association (CIPA), I submitted my book to Adam and his staff.

Their proof was perfect! The illustrations were crisp, the print clear, and the construction high quality. But the cover! Absolutely beautiful and softly glossed, Steuben's production added depth to the colors and popped the fine design by my cover artist. My book shimmers on the shelf!

Now I sell only Steuben's copies by hand and feel confident that my readers are receiving the best product reflecting my years of effort and passion for my subject.

– Sunny Weber, Denver, CO