Steuben Press Blog


Author Highlight: Journalist and Novelist Josiah Hesse

Steuben Press was founded on our absolute love of literature. And one of our favorite parts of being a book printer is having the pleasure of working with a myriad of talented writers and new voices.

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How I Got Discovered: Interview with Self-Published Author Al Arnold

As a self-published author, getting your work into the hands of a big publisher can mean a lot for your baby (er, for your book). 

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Science Outreach Booklets

We recently had the opportunity to work the Science Outreach program at the University of Southern California. In a time crunch to get some books for an event, the President of Science Outreach, Kristen Zung, approached Steuben Press to see if we could help with a quick book printing turnaround. Of course we're always happy to help!

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The Great 48

Steuben Press had the opportunity to work with Josh Sanders on a really fun book project recently. Josh and his sister Lindsay set out to break the High Pointing world record and they accomplished just that on July 12th 2015. With a limited budget and a small support crew, Josh and Lindsay set out on an adventure of a lifetime. They documented their amazing trip in a photobook, which we at Steuben Press had the pleasure of printing for them.

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Raising My Family Around the World

One of the best parts of working at Steuben Press is having the opportunity to work with the many talented authors. Linell M. Joyce (Lin) was an author that stood out to me, with her incredible story and beautiful book, Raising My Family Around the World ~ The Adventures of a CIA Wife and Mom in Stories, Snapshots and Letters

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Montez Self-Publishes as a Nonagenarian

C.S. Lewis, a man probably much wiser than the rest of us, once said “You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” Our client and good friend, Montez Roller Smith, has proved Mr. Lewis to be correct time and again over the past four years. Still publishing books well into her nineties, new books by Montez have become a regularity at Steuben Press.

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We Help to Make Memories!

We just completed a relatively small order for one of our clients. Generally, small orders move through our production process quickly and frankly, without much fanfare. This particular project, however, caught my attention. The job was basically a photo journal that was compiled by our client during a recent trip with a close friend to the Appalachian Mountains. Many of her photos were exceptionally beautiful, most were your typical “tourist” photos. What struck me the most was the fact that, despite the variations in their aesthetic appeal, all of those photos were especially meaningful to her, and to the friend for whom we were printing the 72 page hard cover book.

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If I Was A Rainbow

Earlier this year we had the real pleasure of beginning work on a book project by Timothy Imbriaco, called “If I Was A Rainbow.” One of the best parts of our job as book printers is to work with clients like Tim who are so very passionate about the message they want to share with the world. Their energy and dedication to the task is what I believe it takes to succeed as an author, and I wanted to take this opportunity to share Tim’s book and story with all of you.

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Bookcover lin website

Recently, Steuben Press printed my 213 page personal memoir. If you are contemplating having your own story professionally printed Steuben Press is the company for you! They will handle your manuscript with kid gloves and you'll be ever so proud to hand our each and every copy of your story to friends and family.

– Lin Joyce, Herndon, Virginia

Email Lin and purchase her story "Raising My Family Around the World ~ The Adventures of a CIA Wife and Mom in Stories, Snapshots and Letters."