If I Was A Rainbow

Earlier this year we had the real pleasure of beginning work on a book project by Timothy Imbriaco, called “If I Was A Rainbow.” One of the best parts of our job as book printers is to work with clients like Tim who are so very passionate about the message they want to share with the world. Their energy and dedication to the task is what I believe it takes to succeed as an author, and I wanted to take this opportunity to share Tim’s book and story with all of you.

Diversity should not be tolerated… it should be celebrated

Tim wrote his book 20 years ago with this idea in mind; to celebrate diversity. Working at a summer camp in the San Bernardino Mountains, he was struck by the experience of the inner city kids he was surrounded by. Away from their everyday lives in Los Angeles, they had a chance to experience something other than the narrow role or identity they were so accustomed to accept.

Reflecting on the experience of the kids around him and the works of prolific writer Joseph Campbell, Tim wrote the words of his book as a celebration of the wide spectrum of the human experience. All of this perfectly analogous with, of course, a beautiful rainbow.

Print the book, or let it gather dust?

Tim experienced the same struggle as so many of the authors we speak to. He wrote his book 20 years ago, but never truly pursued its printing or publication. As book printers we believe writing the book is the hardest part of the process, but then again we spend our days printing and binding and forget just how daunting that can seem to someone who hasn’t done it before.

Happily we were able to connect with Tim and work with him through the self-publishing process. First thing we did was recommend a process by which he could get his book illustrated. oDesk.com is an incredible resource for finding illustrators, designers and freelancers of all types. On this site, just like Tim did, you can interview applicants for your job, negotiate rates and see endless samples of work. All of this while protected by the guarantees of the administrators of the site. Tim chose Inga Shalvashvili as the illustrator for “If I Was A Rainbow,” an amazingly talented artist from the Ukraine.

After the illustrations were complete, Tim contracted with us at Steuben Press to complete the layout and design of his book and we went through a number of iterations before finalizing the perfect look for printing. During the proofing process we selected the right papers and coating for his finished book.

July 14, 2014 – The 20 Year Journey is complete

This past month Tim finally published his book, 20 years in the making! “If I Was A Rainbow” is now listed on Amazon and available for sale around the world. He has launched social media campaigns, spoken with schools and organizations about his book’s message to embrace diversity, and has sold copies of his book to people all across the United States.

Congratulations to Tim Imbriaco on self-publishing this wonderful book, and I thank him for the opportunity to work with him to finally bring it to the masses. Please take a moment to visit Tim’s Facebook page and give him a like, or better yet grab a copy of his book from Amazon and leave him a review! We promise you won’t be disappointed.



Adam user

President & CEO,
Steuben Press

Adam Ellis has worked in the book industry since 2002, when he was first exposed to the wonderful world of Self Publishing. Over the years he has worked with thousands of authors and helped to produce, print and publish countless books.

Were moving where

Thank you, Steuben Press, for bringing my book to life! Roger, your cover design skills are exceptional and Adam, your skill with the interior design was steller. 

– Maripat Abbott, Sewickely, PA

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