Want High Quality Images in Your Book without Breaking the Bank?

Seeing your work in print is one of the most gratifying and rewarding parts of being a writer. While there is something special about having an e-book, the magic of print can still leave a writer’s skin tingling. That is why it is so important that you when you choose a company to print your book, you find an affordable and high quality printing company to do the job. 

A lot of places around the web, you  end up sacrificing quality to save money, but we here at Steuben Press don't think that needs to be the case. In fact, we pride ourselves on the affordability of our printing and the high quality of our books. One place where this is extremely apparent: images.

Whether you're looking for simple black and white images in your book, or stunning full-color images and spreads, Steuben Press consistently out-performs other online book printing vendors in quality and pricing.

How we do it

You might wonder how we can print the same book for less than the leading competitor. In most cases we can actually print your book for 25% less than other printing presses out there.

Though you may be used to lower quality for when paying a lower price, that's not the case here at Steuben Press. Our mission is to give you the best experience possible when using our services, and getting more for less is one way we do that.

Some printing companies choose to use only black and white printers. This can make a lot of sense when you only want printed text on every page, but images aren't so simple. Printing black and white images on a black and white printer seems like it would be fine in theory, but it just doesn't allow for the same detail, richness and range of shades that a color printer would give you. Unfortunately, getting that other printer to print your books using their color printers is going to cost you.

At Steuben Press, we always use color printers for all of our images, even if they're black and white. Not only do we print all of our images using the advanced printer, we don’t charge extra for it. We understand how important your book is to you and we know that for may people who are trying to break into the industry, or are publishing their first book, they may not be able to afford a price increase for the high quality black and white images. Many of our competitors will charge a significant amount more for color printing, as well as high quality black and white pictures.

Take the next step

No matter what stage you are at in your writing career, it’s important that you offer your readers high quality images in your book. Our modern world is increasingly shown in “high definition,” and if your book has low quality images, it may be tossed to the curb like an old vacuum-tube television set.

Let Steuben Press give you high quality printed images, so you can give your readers the best possible experience. When they open the pages of your book, there will be nothing to distract them from getting lost in the words and pictures that you have put on the page.

Adam user

President & CEO,
Steuben Press

Adam Ellis has worked in the book industry since 2002, when he was first exposed to the wonderful world of Self Publishing. Over the years he has worked with thousands of authors and helped to produce, print and publish countless books.


I set the price, I collect the checks, and Steuben Press does all of the work. It’s a relief to know I never again have to print, package, and ship a book myself. The convenience is outweighed only by their professionalism.

– Andy Phelps, Michigan

Check out “It Never Ends” at www.andyphelps.net/book