The Press Release: 5 Simple Steps to Promote Your Book

You might already have a promotional plan for your self-published book on paper. You have a strategy in play and that's fantastic! However, there may be one area that you are overlooking when it comes to getting your name out there, and that is the press release. 

A press release can be a pretty powerful marketing tool when done correctly. Here are five simple ways to write a press release that will get your book noticed and reach your target audience.

Step 1: The Headline

As a writer, you should already know how important titles and headlines are, but when it comes to crafting a successful press release, take it up a level. In order to grab the attention of your target audience, you're going to have to use engaging words and test out many headlines. Don't just use the first one that pops into your head. While you might end up coming back to first one in the end, be sure you take the time to write twenty or thirty headlines. Test them out on people who will give you honest feedback, and remember that the press release needs to deliver on the promise of your headline.

Step 2: Have Confidence

You have got to make yourself and your story sound fantastic. If you don't believe that you just wrote an amazing piece of work, then it will come across like that in your press release. But if you believe that you have crafted something witty and worthwhile, then it'll radiate off the pages. Let your true self shine through and you'll be amazed at how much more engaging you sound. 

Step 3: Sum It Up

Be sure that at the beginning of the press release you include the date and you take a quick moment to sum up the book. Don't make it long and drawn out. Just give people enough of the facts to entice them to keep reading. You don't need to describe every freckle of the main character, you just need to briefly sum up the plot, while leaving a little bit of mystery at the end. Remember: you want them to buy and read the book!

Step 4: Make Connections

Marketing can be one of the hardest parts for a writer, but if you want to promote your book you're going to have to put yourself out there. Do some research and find places that have an audience that you feel would like your book. Then email, call and connect with journalists and publishers who can print your press release in their newspaper, blog, etc. This is a tough step for many people, but one that cannot be skipped. As a writer you should get used to handling rejection. The more people you approach, the better your odds of getting quality publications to print your press release.

Step 5: Don't Sell - Announce

Nobody likes to be sold. The mission of a press release is to announce to the world you're ready for people to see your masterpiece. If you do this successfully, then you'll see some positive results. For many journalists, the quality of your press release will give them a good idea as to how well your book is written, so take pride in it. Edit it, let others read and critique it, and then stand by it. 

Adam user

President & CEO,
Steuben Press

Adam Ellis has worked in the book industry since 2002, when he was first exposed to the wonderful world of Self Publishing. Over the years he has worked with thousands of authors and helped to produce, print and publish countless books.

Lees orderly cover

I was very fortunate to find Steuben Press for my self-published book. After interviewing several companies, I received a call from the owner and received a personal introduction to the process. I really needed that with this project. I was astonished at the quality of my finished product. Thanks for the personal service and providing quality work.

– Al Arnold, Madison, MS

Learn more about Al's book at