Great title/body copy font combinations that work

Many people may not think about how important formatting the interior of your book is, but small changes in readability can have a big effect for your audience. By choosing heading and body fonts that complement each other, you'll find that your readers will hang on to your words a little easier.

In the same vein, if you use improper fonts, readers might turn away from the text, and sometime they can't quite figure out why they are having trouble moving through the text, even when the story is good. Here are a few fonts that compliment each other, and why they work so well together.

Modern Fonts

If you are interested in using a modern font for your book, then Didot for your chapter titles and subheading is a great choice. Optima for the text gives the interior of your book an ideal look, and both of these fonts are free. They are easy on the reader's eyes, and keep away distractions that overly dramatic fonts can have.

Aaargh is another great font for the chapter headings in modern books. It pairs nicely with Minion Pro. While this is not a free font, it is absolutely worth checking out. It gives the chapter headings and body a unique look without having too much flare that can be distracting.

Historical Fonts

If you have written a historical book, then you have a few font options that will work in your favor. The first is Kingthing's Exeter for the chapter titles. It has an elegant look that has a Knights of the Round Table feel to it. Prociono is a wonderful compliment for the body.

Goudy Bookletter 1911 works well for the body of a historical novel, and Rockwell pairs nicely for the chapter headings. While these fonts can be used for more than historical novels, their vintage attraction is usually what makes people want to use it for history, instead of modern, books.

Romance Fonts

If your book has more of a romantic feel about it, you can incorporate fonts that present this to the reader and make it easy for them to stay engaged in the pages. Using Dancing Script for the chapter heading is a beautiful font that curves in a way like the cursive used in a love letter, but is very easy to read. Neuton font has those nice, small subtle curves that compliment Dancing Script, but still remain formal enough for print that is easy to read.

The Last Font I'm Wasting on You is another great romantic font for chapter headings, and the text for the body can be done using Sabon, for the perfect compliment. Both of these look beautiful all by themselves, but together they make reading a romantic book an absolute delight.

Stray from the norm

While many people will use traditional fonts, and not think twice about the look of them, it's important to note that complimentary fonts for your chapters and body will give the readers more enjoyment and be easier to read. Step outside of the box, and you and your readers will be happy you did, just be careful not to choose something that's going to make reading a chore!

Adam user

President & CEO,
Steuben Press

Adam Ellis has worked in the book industry since 2002, when he was first exposed to the wonderful world of Self Publishing. Over the years he has worked with thousands of authors and helped to produce, print and publish countless books.


I’ve had three books printed by the team at Steuben Press. The folks here are generous in their advice and insights and efficient and timely in delivery. As long as this team exists, and I author books, our relationship will endure.

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