Products and Services

Every book printing project is unique. Some clients have all their files ready to go to press, others have just finished typing their manuscript, and the rest are at all points in between. The team at Steuben Press strives to meet each client wherever they are with their project, and to make the process of getting your book in your hands as smooth as possible.


When it comes to self-publishing your book, without the right guidance, it's easy to waste time and crazy amounts of money trying to get over the finish line. Our professional consultation services are geared to help first time authors understand all the options available for publishing their first book. Avoid common pitfalls in the self-publishing process and set yourself up for success by working with an experienced professional who can help you publish your first book like a pro.

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Book Printing

Those two little words look so simple and concise typed on the screen. Book Printing. Oh, but we all know it’s not quite that easy. At Steuben Press we have honed our book printing process to be efficient and of the highest quality. Believe us when we say you don’t want to print your books at the same shop you print your business cards or brochures. Let us show you our book printing process and why our shop is the one for your project.

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After the cover and interior pages of your book are printed, your project moves into the binding phase. It is a specialized process that will make all the difference in the durability and appearance of your finished project. At Steuben Press we’re so good at binding that other print shops send us their printed material to be bound rather than doing it themselves. Whether you are looking for a perfect bound paperback, spiral bound booklet, wire-o catalog, saddle-stitched brochure, case bound hardcover, or anything in between we have the option for you.

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Interior Layout

The way you lay out the interior pages of your book can make all the difference in it looking like something you’d find on the shelves of your local bookstore, or something that was run on your home office inkjet. Many of our clients come to us with their Word document typed and edited, but need some help to morph that into a professional-looking, industry-quality book. Our team at Steuben Press knows all the standards and tricks of the trade to make your manuscript ready for press.

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Cover Design

Never judge a book by its cover. We’ve all heard the saying, the words have probably even come out of our mouths, though we’ve all been guilty of doing it. Whether we’re browsing on Amazon or perusing the shelves at the bookstore, the cover of a book is almost always our first impression. If a book cover doesn’t catch our eye, or worse yet turn us off, there’s little chance we’ll engage enough to learn what the book is really about and whether or not we really want to read it. The designers at Steuben Press can work with you to create a book cover that will engage buyers and meet industry standards.

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Writing a book?

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Grab your free copy of our "Author's Guide to Book Printing and Self-Publishing"!

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I found Steuben Press through an internet search for book printers and I could not have been more pleased with the print work they did on my book, "128 Tips to Make You a More Effective Leader." The personal service from Adam and Jamie made it a seamless, stress-free process from start to finish and the quality and value was exceptional. I am a raving fan! I look forward to doing business with ou again!

– Abby Donnelly, Greensboro, NC

To learn more about Abby and her book visit